Many people opt to live a minimalistic lifestyle as their lives become more hectic. Is it worth it? Is it possible to be happier if you have fewer possessions?

Although I cannot speak for everyone, my answer is a clear yes. The benefits of minimalism are far greater than I expected ten years ago, when I started to experiment with the minimalist lifestyle.

These are five compelling reasons minimalism is worth considering.

What is Minimalism?

Before we dive into the benefits and pitfalls of minimalism, let me make sure that we are on the same page about what it means for us to live a minimalist life.

It’s not about being minimalistic. For some, it’s an aesthetic. But for others, minimalism is about living as minimally as possible. Both are valid definitions of minimalism , but it’s not what I talk about here.

Instead, I prefer a minimalist version that honors intent and align. Are your priorities and values reflected in the items you have? How can you make space for what is important?

It doesn’t matter how much you have, it is what you feel. Are you able to breathe comfortably and at home in your home? A minimalist will decide to give up if you don’t have enough space.

Minimalism: 5 Benefits

1. Take More Time

Minimalists spend less on cleaning , less on shopping , and less time searching for lost items. Spend less time worrying about the opinions of others.

This last one is not something that happens overnight, but it does happen. However, minimalism is a way of living that doesn’t require you to keep up with everyone else or make them happy.

This will allow you to spend more time on the things that matter most.

2. More money

Prior to minimalism, I was a shopaholic and lived paycheck to paycheck. I also used credit cards to help me pay for my lifestyle. I became debt-free after minimalism. I also saved for a seven-month honeymoon.

I stopped buying things I don’t use. But it’s more than that. I was able to save money and live in a smaller home with lower rent and lower bills. I also made better choices.

Minimalism made me less overwhelmed by my daily life and I was able step out of survival mode. To cheer myself up, I began to cook simple meals and stopped buying expensive coffees. These small changes started to add up over time.

3. A clutter-free home

I can’t stress enough how refreshing it is to live in a clutter-free home . Do you remember that feeling you get when your hotel room is open? You get the same feeling every single day.

You feel lighter and your home doesn’t drain your energy. It’s a place where you feel rejuvenated, and a sanctuary where your family can relax.

This is not all. A clutter-free lifestyle has many benefits beyond your home. You will notice a greater sense of calm in your daily life as you embrace minimalism.

4. A Life of Intentionality

Minimalism taught me how to live intentionally.

I was afraid of defining success on my own terms so I lived my life on autopilot. Because it felt right, I did what was required of me.

There are many things that can be done, such as buying a house or going to college. But the problem is that these decisions were made for the wrong reasons.

I didn’t think to ask myself what I really wanted in life. I pursued the same goals and milestones as everyone else, which made me feel empty inside.

How did minimalism help? You spend a lot asking questions when you clear clutter. Why do I keep it? It’s all about the small things, like old sweatshirts or kitchen appliances. What is its value to me? If you do this enough, you will start to see the value in everything else in your life.

Minimalism gave me confidence, and taught me a lot about self-worth . I realized that I did not have to follow the example of others. Instead, I could choose my own path in life.

5. Freedom to Follow Your Dreams

The greatest benefit of minimalism, however, is its ability to allow you to pursue your dreams.

You can let go of unnecessary stuff and responsibilities. This will allow you to make excuses. You can now say yes to new opportunities because you aren’t as heavy-handed.

There is always room for experimentation and growth. You don’t always know what’s going on, especially when you are in the thick of it. But you can trust that you will make big leaps when you have less to lose.

This is something I know firsthand. minimalism was what helped me quit a job I hated and start my own business –something I didn’t even think of a decade ago.

Is Minimalism a Good Idea?

This brings us to the million dollar question: Does minimalism make you happy.

It’s kind of.

Not having less does not automatically make you happier. But what you discover about yourself as you simplify and declutter can.

I wrote a post a few years back that confronted some difficult truths about my busy life. Truth is, I was hiding. My closet was full of clothes that helped me overcome my crippling insecurity. I also had a full-time job so I didn’t have the burden of my loneliness.

These things didn’t disappear overnight because of minimalism. Let go of all my clutter.

  1. I had to confront the things that I was avoiding.
  2. I had the time, space, and energy to complete the work

It was uncomfortable and painful in the short-term. In the long-term, however, it was painful and uncomfortable. I’m happier now than ever. I came out of this side lighter and, in many ways, more like me than ever before. This is the best benefit of a minimalist lifestyle.