An minimalist capsule wardrobe can make it easier to feel more confident about how you dress. You are less likely to put together outfits and have fewer clothes, but you feel more confident and well-organized.

What is this sorcery you ask? My friends, the power of minimalist dressing! Continue reading to find out why you should make your minimalist wardrobe, and how to start today.

What is a Minimalist Cape Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe can simply be described as a small selection of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to make different outfits.

A capsule wardrobe is traditionally made up of classic pieces in neutral colours (think black pants and a white shirt). If that is not your style, don’t be discouraged. If you’re looking to create a capsule wardrobe with bright colors and loud prints, it is possible.

You might have a seasonal capsule wardrobe you can change out depending on where you live. You might also have a year-round capsule wardrobe that includes core pieces you can wear throughout the year.

What are the Benefits of a Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe offers three main benefits:

It is easier to put together outfits. It’s easy to put together outfits if you have only the things you love.

This will result in less decision fatigue. There are only so many options we can make each day before our brains become tired and our decision quality declines. You can save your mental energy for things more important than dressing up.

Stop buying new clothes all the time. If you have too many clothes, it is easy to get into the trap of constantly buying new clothes.

When you feel confident about how you look every day, you will be less inclined to shop for more clothes, which can save you both time and money. (I’ve also noticed a decrease in impulse purchases from fast fashion brands.

You feel better. I feel more confident when I have fewer options. Because everything I own has been tried and true, I am more creative in my clothes and feel more confident.

How do you make a minimalist capsule wardrobe?

These are the five steps that will help you create a minimalist capsule wardrobe with fewer clothes but more style.

Step 1: Get clear about your personal style

To create a minimalist wardrobe, the first step is to identify your style. Create a personal uniform.

This doesn’t mean that you have to wear the same thing every single day. I advocate for formulas.

This can be done by paying close attention to what makes you feel good and then looking for patterns. Do you have a certain style, colour or fabric that you are drawn to?

High waisted jeans, shorts and tank tops in neutral colors are my favorite. Lightweight fabrics, or short dresses. Both formulas share similar silhouettes: a narrow waist and a little more volume at the bottom.

These formulas allow me to wear a variety of things (I don’t wear the exact same thing every single day), but they also provide a clear system for dressing.

Try to figure out your core formulas. Also, consider a base color (which is usually a neutral but doesn’t necessarily have to be) as well as accent colours that match your base colour. Even fabrics can be looked at–you want items that can mix and match.

Step 2: Consider your lifestyle

While your personal style is important, so is your lifestyle. What clothing do you require to live a normal life?

If you work out every day but hate going out at night then you will need more workout clothes than you would wear to the gym. A lawyer may need more formal clothing than someone who works in a daycare center.

It is a good idea to think about what clothes you wear every day and write down how many outfits are needed each week. There should be 3 gym outfits, 5 work outfits and 2 outing outfits. ).

Step 3: Create your capsule wardrobe

It’s now time to put things together.

Select the type of clothing you use most often and put together some favourite outfits. As a guide, choose the best pieces that suit your style and pay attention to versatility.

If you have four blouses for work that you love but only one color goes with the rest, you can let it go. It’s hard to believe, but clothes should be respected and kept in your closet. Only the best in comfort, style, and versatility deserve to be there.

Step 4: Discard seasonal items

A capsule wardrobe allows you to make space so that you can see what you have. This is difficult if you have too many off-season clothes.

It’s why I believe it’s a smart idea to store seasonal items. You can pack away your winter coat, bikinis and any other items you won’t wear for a while.

Step 5: Get rid of what you don’t need

Technically, this last step is optional. You might want to test your capsule wardrobe before decluttering, but ultimately, a minimalist wardrobe means getting rid of everything you don’t wear.

There are many ways to organize your closet. Marie Kondo’s famous KonMari Method is something you may have heard about. It involves organizing everything into a single pile and then going through each item one by one.

You can also learn the Style Standard Method from my program The One Day Closet Clearse. I found it too overwhelming to dump everything, so if this is something you feel, please check it out!

Common Questions about Capsule Wardrobes

What number of clothes should a capsule wardrobe contain?

Many people believe that a capsule wardrobe should contain 25 to 35 clothing items per season. But, in reality, there is no limit to the number of pieces should have.

The more important question is: How much will you need to reach your goals? It’s better to make fewer decisions than it is to stress. But if you are constantly worrying about your laundry or running out of clothes, it’s not worth it.

Minimalist living is all about finding the right balance between enough and too little. You can adjust it up or down as needed.