You might feel the need to write in a journal, have a cup of tea and just be with yourself this New Year.

You’re not the only one. journaling has been a hobby of mine for five years. It’s been a wonderful gift. I have learned so much about myself, what I want, how I feel, and why I do the things that I do. It has been eye-opening to say the very least.

Knowledge is power, which is why it is important to reflect on your life. You will be able to live a life that is aligned with your priorities and values if you have more knowledge.

This is a habit I recommend you to develop. It doesn’t really matter if you use them every day or if you only do it once a year. It doesn’t matter if you use them regularly or not. What matters is that your curiosity is piqued. Take a blank page and an open mind to these wonderful prompts.

7 Daily Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

These are my favorite reflective journal prompts. Although I journal daily, I don’t always use all the prompts. Pick a few and see where your thoughts lead you.

1. What are the best ways to live my dream life?

This prompt is a twist to the traditional gratitude list. I think it’s an excellent way to look at things from a different perspective.

It is easy to feel lost and frustrated. “I just have to do this or that before I can slow down to enjoy this moment!” Our eyes are always focused on the future, and our arms are tightened so we can move forward to chase the next goal.

It’s great to look ahead to the next week and the next year. Be careful not to get too focused on what you want in the future . Take a moment to enjoy the present . The many ways that I have brought my ideal day into being are almost always pleasant surprises to me.

2. What are the ways I settle for less than I deserve?

One thing that I have noticed is my tendency to accept things I shouldn’t.

It’s just because I’m human. It’s easier for me to stay in my comfort zone than to challenge the system. I am sure that I have some limiting beliefs about my worth.

Life is too short to be suffering unnecessarily. Sometimes, this means standing up for yourself. Don’t wear jeans that don’t fit, ask your family invasive questions and work overtime without being paid.

It’s not always easy, but it is a powerful practice that’s well worth the effort. Even if it’s not possible or feasible to make changes right now, being aware of the ways you are settling can help to set you on a new path.

3. How can I show grace and compassion to myself?

Whether we are conscious of it or not, many people carry the weight of guilt, shame, and regret every day.

Our inner critic critics us for doing things that we “should” do better. We obsess about our mistakes and replay every difficult situation over and over. Our mental health can be affected if we spend too much time feeling inadequate.

Self-compassion can be difficult and some people may need help to overcome persistent negative thoughts. A journal can be a safe place for you to express yourself with kindness, grace, and compassion.

Think about the last day, week, or year. Take some time. Perhaps stream of consciousness writing might be for you. Think about the ways that you don’t live up to your expectations and then let your thoughts flow onto paper.

After you are done, go back to your journal and visualize that a friend wrote these words. What would you do to show grace and compassion? How can you be the same kind of person for yourself?

4. What makes you feel exciting and joyful right now?

As I age, I find that I need to be more intentional about having fun. It’s not as easy as it was in my childhood. My thoughts drift to work, responsibilities and big decisions.

This is why journaling is so powerful. Asking questions encourages our minds to be creative and seek out answers. Make it a part of your daily routine so you can enjoy the new opportunities in life!

5. Which season of my life am I in

According to the old saying, “Nothing in Nature blooms all year” and so self-awareness about your current season can be a gift.

Why? It helps you to understand when to let go. You can let go of some of your worries and responsibilities, just like a farmer who doesn’t worry about planting in winter or harvesting in spring.

You might consider putting your home life on hold while you are busy with work or exams. You can still take care of your kids and do laundry, but there will be some tasks that you cannot ignore. Recognizing that this is only temporary can help you to feel more comfortable doing what you need to do in order for your family to survive.

We don’t fail to do it all. We are putting things down in order to get them back later. This intentional decision can often feel more powerful than feeling imposed.

Sometimes it seems like the storms never stop and that we never have the chance to go to a time of rest or whatever else is being pushed aside. It can be helpful to shift gears for a time, at least temporarily, when this happens.

6. How small can I start to reach an important goal? You can even set a small goal!

We all feel it: As the year ends, we are shocked at how little we have accomplished on the important things. An unfinished bucket list that was created at the beginning of the year with high hopes remains untickled and forgotten.

It can be very disheartening, but there is a way to get on track with your tangible goals. This question can be incorporated into your daily routine and make a big difference.

It’s important not to overcomplicate yourself with complicated plans. Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t where you expected to be. The best way to build momentum is to find the smallest next step, and do little every day.

7. What can I do to transform the mundane?

I believe in big dreams, taking on new opportunities and being brave. Dramatic changes can be exciting and transformative.

However, I believe living to its fullest requires slowing down, looking for ways to transform mundane tasks and moments that make up the majority of our daily lives.

Sometimes, this will require a physical shift. For example, playing music while you wash dishes. Sometimes it is a mental shift that allows you to see things differently.

Regardless of your motivation, I believe that the best way for us to create magic in our lives and make it happen is to seek it out. This is not about trying to make things okay when they aren’t. It is about finding joy in life, and this powerful question can help us find new opportunities each day.